Pressure Ulcers Preventable

The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel defines pressure ulcers as “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear.”[1] Elders in nursing homes are particularly vulnerable to these injuries due to their age and propensity to be in bed or a wheelchair for extended periods.[2]These injuries are very preventable, yet can be serious if not [...]

Pressure Ulcers Are Avoidable

The tragedy of pressure ulcers is that they are so preventable. These sores cause elders in nursing homes a great amount of pain but can be avoided with a small amount of preventative measures by staff. They are truly a case where “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment.” Repositioning bed and wheelchair bound residents every two hours can effectively prevent them from developing.[1] Unfortunately, all too [...]

Pressure Sores And Their Common Sites

Despite the ease of prevention, pressure sores are a common occurrence for many nursing home residents. This is because they are older, and often confined to their bed.[1] Treatment of these injuries is not difficult. Repositioning bed-bound residents every two hours can often effectively combat their development.[2] Pressure relieving methods such as pillows and foam padding can help too.[3] Examinations of residents for sores can also detect them at earlier [...]

Stages of Sacral Pressure Ulcers

Sacral Pressure Ulcers are a troubling reality for many elders in nursing homes. Bed-bound elders are at the highest risk, but the risk can be mitigated with steps such as examinations, repositioning every two hours, and other measures to mitigate pressure (extra foam on mattresses). These sores can grow progressively worse as time goes on if not treated. They have four stages, each with increasing complications. How an elder sleeps [...]

Stages of Heel Decubitus Ulcers

Elders are sent to nursing homes when their families can no longer provide them with the care they need. Homes promise expert care and the ability to cater to the needs of each resident. They often accept Medicaid funds on a similar premise. Unfortunately they often fail to live up to the promised standard of care; both to the elder, the family, and the government. One example of avoidable ailments [...]

Surveys: How to Use Them in Investigation and at Trial

In order to be licensed by the state, nursing homes have to submit to surveys which note any safety violations, and homes must either appeal or give a plan to correct violations. In addition to serving the state, they can also be a valuable tool to plaintiffs. Surveys represent an independent, unbiased, unaffected party’s view of the nursing home and help determine if it is safe for residents. Since this [...]

Advantages of Federal Court in Kansas Nursing Home Cases

In an ideal world justice would be equally and readily available no matter where a person is injured. This is especially true in nursing home abuse cases. Families place their loved ones in nursing homes so they can receive the care they need and deserve. It should not matter where the nursing home is located if they injure the very people they are supposed to be protecting. Unfortunately this is [...]

Who to Depose in a Nursing Home Negligence Case

Depositions are a crucial aspect of a nursing home negligence claim. Depositions provide an opportunity to test and probe the nursing home’s sworn explanation of the circumstances leading to the injury. Depositions also lock staff and administrators into a position on a topic, thus providing impeachment material if the witness seeks to change his or her testimony at trial. Put simply, the attorney must depose the right people to maximize [...]

Using Immediate Jeopardy Findings in Nursing Home Litigation

State and federal laws require nursing homes to provide reasonable and proper care to its residents. If a nursing home fails to provide an appropriate standard of care the state or federal inspector may issue a citation for “immediate jeopardy.” Immediate jeopardy refers to circumstances where the nursing home’s failure to comply with a safety rule has caused or is likely to cause harm to a resident. State agencies take [...]

Smoking in Nursing Homes

Many nursing home's residents want to maintain certain aspects of their lifestyle. For that reason, many elders that enter a nursing home want to continue smoking. Unfortunately, this often proves dangerous because nursing homes fail to properly monitor the resident. Indeed, the dangers associated with resident smoking are easily negated with proper supervision and a reasonable smoking policy. Nursing homes that allow resident smoking have implemented a couple of reasonable [...]