Disabled Nursing Home Residents
Families often cannot provide relatives with the care they need as they age. This is particularly true for elders with disabilities. As a result, families place their relatives in nursing homes with the expectation that they will receive the care their specialized needs require. Unfortunately, disabled elders are often overlooked in nursing homes. In fact, they are often denied the extra care they need, because nursing home lacks the staff or funds to take care of them.
Disabled nursing home residents deserve the highest standard of care. In most cases, proper care of a disabled resident requires extra attention by staff. This specialized care can include tracheal suctioning, colostomy, respiratory care, prostheses care and many other necessary procedures. While specialized care may require staff to spend more time with residents, the nursing home accepted this responsibility when it admitted the disabled resident. Indeed, failing to provide this specialized care is a violation of federal law.
Sections 1819(b)(4)(A) and 1919(b)(4)(A) of the Act for Medicare require that nursing home residents must receive all necessary services. The statute specifically states that a lack of funds does not excuse a facility from providing the specialized care its residents require. Nevertheless, nursing homes often fail to provide disabled residents the care they were promised upon admission. In these cases, nursing home residents and their families are forced to live with the consequences of the nursing home’s neglect.
If your loved one has been injured in a nursing home, we encourage you to contact our Kansas City nursing home negligence and abuse law firm.
Nursing home negligence claims involve many complex legal and medical issues. Having the right attorney is essential to recovering what you deserve. Our Kansas City nursing home abuse law firm will do everything possible to assist you in obtaining the maximum compensation you deserve. More importantly, our Kansas City nursing home abuse law firm will serve as an ally that will give you and your family the respect and compassion it needs. Contact us to see what your case is worth.