The sad truth about nursing homes is that they often fail to provide the very thing that families need most: the round-the-clock and specialized care that families cannot. Unfortunately, the promise of proper care ends up in neglect for many nursing home residents.
Neglect in a nursing home is defined as: Failure by staff to meet the essential needs of a resident. Lack of proper facilities or enough staff to care for a resident does not excuse it. Neglect can be both intentional and unintentional. Intentional neglect occurs when staff purposefully and maliciously fails to fulfill a resident’s needs. Unintentional neglect occurs when staff forget or fail to supply the essential needs of a resident such as from overwork, under-training or lack of resources. Neither type is ever excusable.
If your loved one has been injured in a nursing home due to neglect, we encourage you to contact our nursing home negligence and abuse law firm.
Nursing home abuse and negligence claims involve many complex legal and medical issues. Having the right attorney is essential to recovering what you deserve. Our Midwest nursing home abuse law firm will do everything possible to assist you in obtaining the maximum compensation you deserve. More importantly, our firm will serve as an ally that will give you and your family the respect and compassion it needs. Contact us to protect your family today.