Broken bones and fractures are horrible for everyone. These injuries are extremely painful and require a long time to heal. The healing process is even slower for elders, thus making the recovery process more extensive and dangerous. Unfortunately, nursing home residents too often break bones because of staff’s abuse or neglect.
Broken bones are the result of too much pressure being put on a bone. When this happens the bone gives way, resulting in either a break or fracture. Elders are more susceptible to these injuries because their bones are more brittle. It is true that a broken bone may sometimes be accidental for an elder in a nursing home. However, if there is no explanation for the injury then this is a sign that abuse or neglect has occurred.
The majority of broken bones and fractures in nursing home residents are the result of falls. In fact, falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for nursing home residents despite the fact that they are preventable with proper care and supervision. Nursing home residents often fall because he or she is attempting to do something on their own when staff has neglected them.
The other major cause for broken bones in nursing homes is physical abuse. Broken bones often occur when a nursing home staff member strikes a resident, grabs them, or otherwise makes malicious contact.
Broken bones and fractures are inexcusable in nursing homes whether the result of neglect or physical abuse. If your loved one has suffered a broken bone or fracture in a nursing home we encourage you to contact our Midwest nursing home abuse law firm. The nursing home has betrayed your family’s trust and you deserve to recover for your damages.
Nursing home abuse and negligence claims involve many complex legal and medical issues. Having the right attorney is essential to recovering what you deserve. Our Midwest nursing home abuse law firm will do everything possible to assist you in obtaining the maximum compensation you deserve. More importantly, our firm will serve as an ally that will give you and your family the respect and compassion it needs. Contact us so that your family is protected.