Nursing homes require many staff members to operate properly. Among the most important nursing home staff members is the director of nursing.
The director of nursing (DON) has many responsibilities. These include overseeing the nursing home staff and implementing resident care policies. The DON also reports to the administrator, medical director, and attending physicians regarding the medical needs of nursing home residents. The DON’s actions also have a direct and immediate effect on nursing home residents because he or she is the lead supervisor of all nurses in the facility. Thus, any DON must meet a few requirements.
The DON must be a registered nurse and work full-time or at least 35 hours each week. If multiple registered nurses split the DON duties then someone must be in the position at least 40 hours each week. These strict standards ensure that the DON is qualified and engaged in the position.
If your loved one has been injured in a nursing home, we encourage you to contact our Kansas City nursing home abuse law firm.
Nursing home negligence claims involve many complex legal and medical issues. Having the right attorney is essential to recovering what you deserve. Our Kansas City nursing home abuse law firm will do everything possible to assist you in obtaining the maximum compensation you deserve. More importantly, our Kansas City nursing home abuse law firm will serve as an ally that will give you and your family the respect and compassion it needs. Contact us to see what your case is worth.