People become more susceptible to infectious diseases as they age. Unfortunately, a urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections nursing home residents acquire. Although elderly residents are more likely to contract diseases, a UTI is usually preventable with proper medical care. Nursing homes often fail to provide this most basic standard of care.
UTIs result when bacteria enter the urethra and then the bladder. If not treated quickly, the infection can spread to the kidney causing serious scarring and damage are possible. An untreated UTI can eventually turn into turn into sepsis – a deadly blood infection – and result in death. For this reason, it is important that nursing home staff identify and treat a UTI swiftly and thoroughly.
Early symptoms include fever, pain during urination, and frequent urination. If the infection spreads to the kidneys, fever, chills, fatigue and abdominal pain may occur. Beyond looking for early symptoms, nursing home staff should keep an eye out for patients who are particularly at risk. For example, nursing home residents who are diabetic, use a catheter, have prostate issues, or suffer from dementia are more likely to contract a UTI.
If your loved one has suffered an uncontrolled UTI, or frequent recurrence of UTIs in a nursing home, we encourage you to contact our Midwest nursing home abuse law firm. UTIs are usually preventable and treatable with proper care and attention from caregivers. Thus, if your loved one was harmed by a urinary tract infection, the nursing home was likely negligent in identifying and treating it.
Nursing home abuse and negligence claims involve many complex legal and medical issues. Having the right attorney is essential to recovering what you deserve. Our Midwest law firm will do everything possible to assist you in obtaining the maximum compensation possible. More importantly, our firm will serve as an ally that will give you and your family the respect and compassion it needs. Contact us to protect your family today.